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In the world of website marketing, search engines are an essential key to success. They are the most important way to bring traffic to your website. Understanding how search engines work and what they require is an important first step to harnessing their marketing power.
The two types of search engines can be characterized as active and passive. An active engine utilizes crawl technology that consistently searches out websites, adds them to its database and creates listings automatically with what it finds. Passive engines require registration of your website directly with them and rely on editors to add your site to their directory. As search tools have evolved, many have adopted a combination of passive and active strategies.
Search engine optimization is the utilization of techniques that will insure that search engines find and include your website in their databases. There are proven methods to search engine marketing incorporating website design and content adaptation, and keyword strategy. The primary goal of these methods is to bring traffic to your site. The secondary goal is for that traffic to be targeted to your product. In the internet marketing game, exposure is essential. But marketing efficiency requires effective exposure to the right prospects.
Optimizing your website and blog properly will drive targeted traffic through the search engines. Currently Google generates approximately 70% of all internet searches followed by Yahoo and Microsoft. Recently Microsoft announced a joint venture with Yahoo and they released a new search tool called Bing, Yahoo and Microsoft hope that by teaming up they can put a dent in Google's huge lead in the lucrative search game.