DevOps Bringing a Paradigm Shift to Software Development LifeCycle Management

Nearly 47% of the companies have already adopted DevOps and 33% are planning to adopt during the next two years. The highest level of adoption for DevOps are in IT services and Retail followed by Healthcare and Finance- is an old tale to tell, which is already ragged now !!!

In the upcoming projects, organizations will increasingly more modern software development and delivery as a part of their business model to face the highly dynamic and competitive markets. So, if we dive deeper into the future of DevOps, the hottest trends will be shifting from Development and Operations to Testing, Security and Metrics. Let's know how DevOps is going to revamp the entire software business …

Creating change together with Microservices and DevOps

Container Technologies have created a buzz in the market which is definitely going to stay till the next decade. Microservices is a broad concept that applies to churning applications, solutions or products to more modular and granular level. Developers can deploy these microservices independently which in-turn is helpful in fault isolation, opening gates for faster routes to market. With DevOps clubbing with microservices, developers can work on the loosely coupled applications and have the liberty to choose the technology stack according to the best suited requirements.

Continuous Testing will be of Top Priority

Continuous Delivery is a noble goal which can get you an express ticket to Digital Failure if best practices are not adhered. The only way to ensure that the code is according to the standards is to continuously test it. With the developers generating microservices, more number of modules needs to be tested vigorously. For this the developers need the ability to test the code as it is produced in what's known as SHIFT LEFT CONTINUOUS TESTING. Working on such testing using automation and virtualization can expand agile practices beyond development and test; and helps in eliminating long backend cycles. This creates a culture of continuous improvement leveraging measures of efficiency and efficiency to ensure that the final product is getting better.

Combining DevOps with Security-DevSecOps

With the increase in the complexity of projects, one can potentially have different types of security issues ranging from bad codes to misconfigured servers and everything in between. These problems could only be solved keeping in mind the security implications, principles and standards for building the applications. A new movement called DevSecOps has been implemented to meet the challenges and bring forward operational and technological innovation to cybersecurity. With microservices and SDKs evolving, the developers could easily build security for products and solutions for greater user experience. The requirements of security related code testing are highly dynamic and idiosyncratic, so it is important to unify development, security and operations making it DevSecOps.

Concentrating more on Metrics

DevOps Metrics is a holistic way of viewing not just the success of the DevOps program but can also find out how it can be modified, extended and improved. The ongoing focus of DevOps metrics is on the areas of deployment, operations and support which helps in speeding up the processes of development, deployment, frequency of deployments and its failures, customers' responses can be measured. DevOps metrics typically fall into three categories of People, Process and Technology to a greater extend but Deployment Frequency, Change Lead Time, Change Failure Time, Mean Time to Recover has to be considered to get the 360 ​​degrees of DevOps Metrics.

A successful measurement becomes increasingly important for DevOps, the organizations keep pushing the envelope to adopt rigorous test automation, more sophisticated pre-production security controls and management disciplines across DevOps Lifecycle. With the adoption of these principals, a real progress will be showcased.

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