Category: SEO

Dominating Searches Through SEO

There are plenty of articles written on how to improve your website's ranking through search engine optimization (SEO). Yes, those articles are true. They present several topics on how to get your website ranked on the first pages. Were you able to apply those techniques? As the saying goes, […]

SEO – How Cloaking Sabotages SEO

One of the largest newbie mistakes made by people first trying out search engine optimization on their websites is to try and cloak it. Most people do not even realize that they are practicing cloaking when they do it and even perceive it as a legitimate form of SEO […]

Must Have SEO Checklist for New Websites

In creating websites, there are some pointers to consider. One is to use an SEO optimized domain. Your domain name is very important as it tells the world what your website is all about. You can not just use any words that come to mind. You need to consider […]

SEO and the Google Sandbox

I've been asked by many friends and media folks about the Google Sandbox phenomenon. I will use this post to explain what it is, although more importantly, how to use this knowledge to best capitalize on an effective SEO strategy. What is the Google Sandbox? (Also called an Aging […]

What is Website SEO in Layman Terms?

Website SEO is an important part of your Internet experience if you are setting up an Internet based business or even a website for personal use that you want to be successful. In this article I want to explain what website SEO is in layman's terms so you will […]

Practical Tips for GEO-Targeting SEO

Research indicates that customers found that those campaigns optimized with GEO-targeting results in mind are more successful than the SEO point of view. SEO, the acronym of Search Engine Optimization, is the process and techniques that generate quality web traffic from search engines. Web traffic, in natural, has no […]

Small Business SEO: 2 Best SEO Practices for Small Business Sites

For many small businesses just starting out, their primary startup preoccupations would include getting their website up and running. Although they realize the massive sales potential of their online presence but it will remain limited if small business SEO is not employed. With search engine optimization, your business can […]

The Dangers of Black Hat SEO

Move to the top of the search results pages, increase your visibility, drive traffic to your site – with these promises, it is easy to understand why many companies are tempted to avail of the services of a search engine marketing company that use optimization techniques search engines like […]

SEO – A Janitor, a Bank and an Artesian Well

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategies can be likened to the janitorial staff of a large company. No other individual in the building is as well acquainted with every nook and cranny of the business as the janitor. Not only is the janitor acquainted with the business, he or she […]

5 Do-It-Yourself SEO Techniques That Works!

Do you need to spend a bomb to hire self-proclaimed gurus to assist you with search engine optimization (SEO)? No! We all know the importance of SEO to our internet business. The following 5 Do-It-Yourself SEO techniques can save you money and yet improve your website's rankings! The saved […]