Five Things You Should Never Do At A Movie Grill

Even though we’re civilized people who understand that a society needs rules, the last thing we might associate with a place with rules is a movie grill. If you think about it, a movie grill is supposed to be the leading model of how a movie theater should run. It keeps the customer as its top priority, so the notion that there would be anything the customer couldn’t do seems a little contradictory.

Then again, it is important for folks to remember that a movie grill is also a business that caters to a large number of people. If they, or any other business, allowed their customers to go “willy-nilly” and do whatever they wanted, you’d have chaos. Movie grills are about making the moviegoing public feel at home while providing a top-of-the-line movie experience. This means that for all of the fun and innovation, there are some things you probably shouldn’t be doing.

Here are a few things you probably shouldn’t do at a movie grill:

Don’t Arrive Late – Obviously, life can get in the way, but try to arrive a bit early for your movie. There is usually have a limit as to how late they will see someone, so be sure to check with your local theater about their policy.

Don’t Forget about Age Limits & Requirements – Though the MPAA ratings system is a guide for moviegoers, your theater may also have limits in terms of the ages of prospective young viewers. Moreover, if you have very young kids, there might be policy info that pertains to best times for certain ages.

Don’t Forget about Cut-off Times for Food and Drink – Alcohol consumption has cut-offs based on local laws, and when it comes to food, movie grills want to have customers close out checks prior to the end of the movie. As such, food service usually ends about 30-40 minutes prior to the end of a movie to help in this pursuit.

Don’t Fret About Having A Printed Ticket – If you purchased tickets at home but couldn’t print them out, you can either use a lobby kiosk to print out your tickets, or you could go to the box office for help. If you’re big with technology, you can also use a QR code for paperless ticketing.

Don’t Be Disruptive – As in any movie theater, don’t be disruptive during the movie. This includes phone use, talking, and constantly moving around. This is big as well for families who are used to having their kids using mobile devices or who have a hard time being still.

Movie grill or not, these “should nots” are common sense in nearly all applications. Part of what is being asked of you as a customer, a consumer, and as a fellow person is to be considerate of those around you and of those who are there to serve you. That said, movie grills have taken the industry by storm for the last two decades, so you owe it to yourself to check one out. You just might find it to be the place to go for a night out on the town.

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