Low Budget Smartphones Are Best

The manufacturers in the smartphone domain face the temptation to pack their products with all the latest technology, their most powerful processors, and their largest displays. The mobile phone market is invaded by over four inch wide displays and quad-core processors that could power a PC.

It is easy to understand the strategy because any company needs a bigger profit so they give people what they think is best. After the regular client sees an advertisement that induces the idea that “bigger is better”, the client will automatically want the fastest, largest, best packed with features smartphone of them all.

What they usually forget or simply ignore is the fact that the latest, most powerful set of features and hardware also cost more than a regular, not so powerfully promoted device.

When looking for the perfect smartphone, the possible buyer should not go for the first product that is presented to him. The best advertised product is not necessarily the best choice. A smart possible client will always look for alternative solutions because you can never know what you can find until you have a glance. Maybe the right product is just a click away and is waiting to be discovered.

The producing companies in this domain and in many others have the habit to promote their most expensive devices because these are the ones that will probably bring them their largest amount of profit. The cheaper alternatives in the smartphone domain are probably only promoted by the carriers when they are trying to get a contract signed.

The point of this article is to bring to the surface a certain fact that is probably ignored by most of the people interested in this kind of device. The high-end, latest technology smartphones that we all see all over the internet and TV will usually cost more than five hundred dollars and this is why it is very important to know that those devices are not the only ones on the market.

There are devices that will do every regular smartphone chore that the super expensive devices claim they can do, but in some cases for even only a quarter of the price. The only difference between these two categories of products will be a couple of seconds in the processing speed and less than an inch on the display’s width.

People should think about this and decide if those highly advertised products are worth the money or not. The hardware inside a decent smartphone that will work properly doesn’t have to be able to do 3D Hollywood special effects programming. A processor with a frequency of 800MHz will work just fine with any smartphone applications. Those applications that are made for smartphone operating systems are designed to work on the most poorly equipped smartphone so that every user can run it. A smartphone also doesn’t need 16 or 32 GB of free space because almost anybody owns a PC at home that will be better at storing the files. The display can be more than enough even at 3.0 inches wide.

There are many low budget smartphones that will do their job perfectly for a fraction of a Galaxy SIII’s price, but people simply need to look for those devices, not just say yes to the first offer.

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