When to Fire Your SEO Consultant

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If your company is seeking an SEO consultant to oversee your corporate presence on the Internet, you need to be aware of a few things … One thing I hate to see is a company paying a so called 'consultant' to spout out SEO advice that the business actually takes to heart because they have no other frame of reference …. It drives me nuts, because there are a lot of so called consultants out there that are stuck in the 1990's still. Here are some tips to follow if you are considering hiring one:

1.) If the SEO consultant is OBSESSED with alt tags, time to find a new one. Alt tags are nothing more than a title that is placed on an image in your web site. The alt tag is primarily for accessibility, not for propelling your web site into the top ten rankings in Google, MSN & Yahoo.

2.) Does your consultant have a web site of their own? Can you find it? If they can not get them found, can they advise you on how to get found?

3.) Does your SEO Consultant keep advising you to stuff more and more keywords into the meta keyword tag? This tag is not crucial to SEO success, in fact, Google pays little if any attention to it. Anyone can stuff a bunch of keywords into a web site. Fire at will.

4.) Does your consultant know how to interpret Google Analytics and make informed decisions as to how to move forward with your web site? Time to post a new want ad.

5.) Does your SEO consultant insist on submitting your web site to 10,000 search engines and directories? Time to part ways. What search engine do you use when you need a product or service?

6.) Does your SEO consultant love to blame others for your lack of presence in the search engines? There are times when terrible web design or programming can interfere with SEO, your SEO consultant should have analyzed the web site prior to making any litigation calls, etc.

7.) If your consultant has never heard of Yahoo site explorer, MSN Live Search tools or Google webmaster tools, time to Google a new search engine marketing expert.

8.) If your SEO consultant can not compose an intelligible paragraph much less optimize one, it's time for them to fly. There is a true art to optimizing copy for a web site, if you do not notice that it's optimized, it's optimized by a professional.

9.) If your SEO consultant is more obsessed about keywords and NOT quality content to feed your prospects, tell em 'to take a hike. TRUE optimization is for web site visitors, the search engines should come secondly.

10.) If your consultant does not provide you with reports or proactive insight, send em 'packing. Seek a relationship with a internet marketing firm that's dedicated to helping you grow.

Spend some time learning the basics about SEO before you hire anyone. I do recommend "The Truth About Search Engine Marketing" it's a quick read and very grounded.

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