Keyword optimization is one of the most basic tactics you have to attract free search engine traffic. Even if you are not too familiar with keyword SEO it is way too easy to learn and way too valuable to your business to overlook. It all starts with developing a keyword list and then properly using them in a way that will help increase your website traffic.
In a nutshell here are 3 basis rules you will want to follow when developing a keyword list you can use in any content to boost your website traffic.
Choose Most Relevant Word (s) / Phrases
The best start for developing a keyword list is to choose only those words or phrases that are the most relevant for your application. A search tool for keywords should be used to help you compile this list. This step of the process will probably take the most time and it is worth it since your optimization efforts will probably heavily on the quality of the list you compile.
It is suggested that you target as many 'long tail' keywords as possible since these phrases tend to attract a more targeted group of searchers.
Place Keywords Naturally & Effectively
Use your selected words or phrases in the most natural way so 'humans' can understand what it is you are trying to say. Also be conscious of 'where' you place keywords within the body of your content to get the largest impact.
Place your 'primary' keywords in the heading or title since this will notify the search engines of what the content is all about. Sprinkle your 'secondary' keywords in the opening and closing paragraphs so that it reinforces and establishes relevancy in terms of the point of your content.
Do Not Stuff
Save your stuff for the holiday turkeys since search engines will not appreciate it within your content. Monitor the density of your keywords carefully since you do not want too many or too little in the body of any composition you are optimizing like websites or articles. Maintain a density of between 1 and 3 percent is recommended!
Keyword optimization is a very powerful tactical to use when looking to attract search engine traffic. The point behind keyword seo is correctly using carefully selected and relevant words or phrases within your content to make it easier for search engines to find. This in turn leads to an increase in your website traffic and this type of traffic is ultra targeted. The 3 simple rules we reviewed above concern the development of an effective keyword list and the proper use and placement of these words in your content. By routinely following these simple rules when optimizing content you will find a significant boost in the traffic to your site. You will also find this traffic to be more responsive and all without costing you one red cent!