9 Laptop Battery Power Saving Tips

Times have changed and laptops are now outselling desktops due to their portability, high speed, and light weight. Unlike the desktop, the performance of the laptop is tied directly to the battery. There are two common mistakes people make when it comes to their laptop battery. The first is leaving the battery in the laptop while the adapter is being used. If you are using the adapter, remove the battery to help extend the life of the battery. The second is recharging the battery even if it’s not completely dead. It is much better for the battery if you drain it completely before fully recharging it again.

Have you ever been in the middle of a sales presentation or taking notes in a class and your laptop battery runs out of juice? The average, fully charged laptop battery should provide approximately 3 hours of power. To maximize and extend the battery life during each use, follow these 9 laptop battery power saving tips.

  1. Adjust the Power Settings – Decrease the screen brightness because the brighter the screen, the more battery power is needed. You can also change how long the laptop needs to be inactive before it goes into sleep/standby/hibernation mode. There are different options ranging from 1 minute to never.
  2. Manage Your Wireless – If Wi-Fi is not available or you don’t need it on, turn it off by removing the Wi-Fi card, changing your settings to off, or switching to airplane mode.
  3. Remove External Devices – Refrain from using a USB card, memory card, or wireless mouse. Even if they aren’t in use, they use battery power just being plugged in.
  4. Run One Application at a Time – Now is not the time to multi-task. The more applications that are open, the more battery power needed. So, when you are done with one application, close it before opening another.
  5. Keep It Cool – Blocking the fan vent on your laptop causes the internal temperature to rise, decreasing efficiency, and increasing battery power. A common mistake is to place the laptop on soft surfaces, such as your lap. Despite what the name implies, it’s best to place it on a hard surface whenever possible. The laptop fan also gets dust build-up, which can cause the internal temperature to rise as well. So, be sure to clean the fan using compressed air every couple of months.
  6. Keep It Clean – Over time, dust and grime can build up on the battery connection, which could reduce the power delivered to the laptop. Make it a point to clean the battery connection with a cotton ball and rubbing alcohol every couple of months.
  7. Avoid Using Adobe Flash – It’s a battery killer!
  8. Add More Memory – By adding more RAM to your laptop, it allows programs to run using the memory instead of the hard disk drive.
  9. Defragment the Hard Drive – Defragmenting the hard drive allows the laptop to operate as efficiently as possible. The defrag tool can be found under system tools and should be done every couple of months.

Laptop batteries are expensive and need to be replaced every 2-3 years; the average price of a decent battery is approximately $75. So, follow the battery power saving tips above to get the most bang for your buck. Do you have any tips to add to the list? Share them with us by leaving a comment. Do you know a coworker, student, or family member who would find these tips useful? Be a superstar and pass the blog along to them.

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