Ten Common Search Engine Optimization Mistakes That Could Pull Down Your Rankings

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You have tried all in the book but still can’t climb the SERPS? It’s time to sit back and figure SEO inside out. While that may take some doing, you can certainly get a line on few tactics that are absolute ‘no-no’ to SEO’.

Here is a low-down on what constitutes the most common SERP slip-ups found on the web:

1. Badly Named Title tags: Title tags are the first thing a search engine Bot looks for. Somehow many webmasters happen to overlook this fact. Have a look at the title tag of the “contact us” page on most sites and you will know what I mean. A simple” contact us” or “contact our company ABC” is no help. Instead try and be more meaningful by using “contact us for integrated web design and development services in India”. That makes more sense.

2. Missing out on quality back links: SERPS a site high if it has good number of inbound links to it. However search engines are critical not only of the number but quality of the Backlinks as well. Link your website to sites that have similar and good quality content, and rate well with SE. Just going for ‘anything’ and ‘everything’ will do you more harm than good.

3. Erratic page linking: Search engines crawl your home page first. So does that mean you forget your site’s internal pages and cram your homepage with links? No. While building links to your website make sure that your internal pages are not left out. Try and direct at least 50-60% of the links to internal pages. When internal pages get good number of links, your homepage will invariably get better SERPS.

4. Weak On-page content: SEO now relies heavy on what goes into the page. Search engines co-relate a keyword search to your site’s on-page content, which also indexed for quality and relevance. There is no point throwing in loads of low-value content or something that is of no relevance to your site. At the same time having too little on your site won’t help your SEO rankings either.

5. Bad Keyword selection: Search engines are keywords intensive and will crawl your site looking for keywords. However many webmasters fall for the most popular keywords while creating their site’s content. This is not a great ploy. Instead try and use keywords that are less competitive but have better chances of getting picked when a search is run.

6. Text in images: Accepted that your page needs images. But the fact is the text that goes into the image is only for your visitors; search engines have nothing to do with it. Imaged texts are not indexed; so put more text content on the page, enough to maintain a fair ratio with what goes into the images.

7. Out of true Keyword density: Although it seems to be losing its charm, keyword density still plays some part with a few search engine crawlers. An overtly high keyword density can mislead the search engine crawlers into reading your page as a spam, while too low a keyword density means low rankings. Generally, a Keyword density of 2-4% is fine for most search engines.

8. Want of ALT tags: ALT tags describe the images on your page. Crawlers read ALT tags as texts and many sites suffer for lack of proper ALT tags. ALT tags work really well by intelligent linking to the associated image.

9. Only image-based headings: While images look better, it’s the h1, h2 tags and menu links that matter to Search engines. Creating all your headings in images will invariably kill your rankings. Modifying the tags in a stylesheet is an option that will go with both: Search engines as well as your visitors.

10. Too much of Flash, Java: Over use of Flash, JavaScript can affect your sites ranking, at least with a few search engines sites. The trick is to use them with a good mix of text based links. Besides search engines- bots don’t crawl Flash Links, JavaScript calls, drop downs etc. So whatever you put in there is not indexed.

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