Designed for a Purpose

Purpose creates the existence of everything which we see. The things which are seen existing are in existence because of its purpose. Purpose must be fulfilled and so things are built to exist as a means through which purpose is fulfilled, that without purpose nothing will exist. Everything built was made with the purpose in mind which means that purpose makes the things which we see possible. This is quite a compelling understanding because with this understand we can fully be aware of the reason why things are made differently, why a shoe does not look like an airplane because of their difference in purpose which created the obtrusive difference in the invention.


Watching lives being lived without discovering purpose is one of the most disturbing views to watch. We live a confused life when we refuse to discover our purpose, denying ourselves the opportunity to live the life that is full of everything that is for us only. We exist to serve a purpose, it is in the serving of the purpose that we really are living and so to be unaware of purpose is to exist without living. Anything that lives outside of its purpose becomes useless to itself and others, like a shoe, if it goes outside of its purpose, it becomes useless, useless because its potential is not been used and it is in no way needful in a place outside of its purpose. Each one of us is created differently because of the different purpose we have to fulfill and so our innate potential differs. We are unique like it or not.


There is a visible struggle that is seen in the very eyes of the ones who are frantically seeking after the knowledge of their purpose. It has in a way landed some people down the plane of search, put off the fire that burns for coming into purpose. In this stage of life, it is not all that goes into the forest that comes out with the revelation of their purpose. It is in the same look we have as humans that make it difficult to discover our purpose. A car and a phone, the purpose is obtrusive because we see the difference between them and we understand that our unique purpose makes us different but looking from the outside of ourselves, we look alike and that has left us with the struggle that has led many to die without fulfilling their purpose.


It is imperative that we come quickly into the place of purpose to live our unique life more fully. Knowing your purpose is a solution to the confusion you encounter in your life, the mirror which you see the place you fit and the answer to why you are said to be unique.

The first step is to go to your creator. The purpose of an invention is in the mind of the inventor and so if you can’t see the purpose of a thing, you ask the one who made it. It is therefore compulsory to go to God the one who created us to find our purpose. The seeking of God’s face is the discovery of purpose and so to be in the inventors mind is to find your purpose. If you can get God to keep you in his mind by seeking him ravenously, he will reveal to you your purpose.

The second step is a form of self-analysis. Observing yourself from within to see how different you are from others because the differences is as a result of your purpose so the moment you look for how different you are from others, you open your eyes to discover your purpose. This leads me to a thought that your purpose is your true identity, that who you are is not in the similarities you have with others but in the differences, that is why when we try to fit in with others, we compromise the possibility of discovering who we are and denying ourselves the knowledge of our purpose. The ones, who really know who they are, behave differently and if not already living on purpose, can easily discern it. They are the most productive, impactful and effective individual in the world

To discover purpose is to be aware of who you are. It gives your life a sense of meaning and responsibility, a mission and vision. To live on purpose is to fulfill the objective of the one who made you.

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