Star Children and Channel Children

My work with children has made me alert to the wonder of understanding today's children, as well as to the need for a great expansion in our way of thinking about them. Great open-mindedness is necessary, more than ever before, and it has been quite beginning to see how adequate many of the traditional teachings and methods of child psychology prove to be.

All children, whose souls choose to incarnate at this very special time on Earth are to be honored for their choice. It is one thing to decide to experience the Earth's ascension as a human adult and another to experience it as a child. More souls are incarnating now upon Earth from a greater variety of backgrounds than ever before. I am quite careful not to use any terms, such as 'special children', which would discriminate children into the spiritual superior and the … oh well, ordinary. Many children have suffered from subtle, or not so subtle, prejudice. The last thing they need is spiritual adults, who send invisible 'preference' vibes towards the marveled crystal ones, rather than the … oh, well, ordinary mud kids …

The aim of this article is one of open-mindedness. Thanks to today's children we are put in a position to question many of our 'taken for granted' assumptions about our human behavior. This article also aims to cultivate acceptance and humility. These qualities are necessary, when dealing with children, who may have very spiritual reasons for behaviors which seem inexplicable or, even, negative.

Many children today are souls associated with other planets and are incarnating on Earth for the first time. My understanding is that the planets of origin are of very great variety. They involve civilizations at many different stages of evolution. Some are more evolved spiritually, others are not. Some are involved in some areas, but not in other areas. The possibilities for valuable lessons, both ways, are immense. These children have come to teach us, but they have also come to learn from us. Many of these children, soul-travel at night back to their planet of origin, exchanging information. This is why many star children may find sleep difficult, stressful or unsatisfactory.

As the backgrounds of star children are different, so the particular areas of adaptation on Earth may be difficult. Some children whose planet of origin had little physical light (although there were other senses involved) may have difficulty with bright lights or fast-moving images, like TV. Other children may have extreme tolerance (or intolerance) to hotness or coldness. Some show a high degree of technical insight and may even draw images of spacecrafts and vehicles, which they have never seen. Some are highly telepathic. If in their planet of origin, communication was primarily telepathic, some may be unwilling to communicate verbally, even appear to have speech difficulties. The toddler may find herself persistently wishing to eat stones from the ground, if this is the way they were feeding themselves in their parent planet. This is not to attribute each and every difficulty in our child to being an extraterrestrial (!), Only to be aware that there may be more behind the obvious and that there may be other reasons behind behaviors judged as 'problematic'.

One very startling example for me was of a little boy of 2, who kind, yet bewildered parents, were in despair about his violent screaming tantrums. Of course, the age of two seems to go hand in hand with tantrums, but are all tantrums the same? It was immediately obvious to me that the child came from another planet (though I could not tell his parents this!). After questions and some observation, I noticed that the child had a particular immunity that if he, or his parent, had said something, it had to be done, no matter what. If for example, the father said: "Oh, it is going to rain, we will not go out" and then later, corrected: "It is not raining, let's go out", the child would throw an incredible tantrum, frantically screaming: "It is going to rain, it is going to rain, it is going to rain, say it is going to rain." This was very confusing to the parents, as they knew he loved to go out. They interpreted it as irrational wilfulness, that he just wants to get his own way. But what I saw was none wilfulness, nor power struggles. It was anxiety. The child was getting very anxious when one thing was said and another was done. I saw that in his planet of origin, they very rarely spoke. But when they did, they only spoke after though thought and they would always carry out what was said. In his planet, there was very great coherence between word and act. We, on Earth, have something to learn from this, do not we? There was no chatter, frivolous talk, in his planet, they would always walk their talk. On the other hand, it also tend to be a little inflexible too. So, the child who finds himself in a place where opinions are said and then opinions change, becomes very anxious. The most effective way to help the child was to tell him, with as much love and honesty as possible: "I know we said it is going to rain, but, we humans, sometimes say things that do not happen. to change minds sometimes, it is not the end of the world, though we will try to be careful before saying things ". The child would then learn a major lesson, flexibility in change of plans, which he could then take back to his planet of origin. What's more, we, humans, could also learn the lesson of moderate thought before uttering speculations about future events and actions.

The star child may be doing double work, both in trying to adapt to Earth, but also, transferring knowledge to his parent planet during his sleep from what he / she experiences on Earth. Also, the child may feel painfully different, sometimes even rejected. He sees he is not the same like other children or people. Star children often say this: "I feel totally different from everyone else. It is important to explain to the child that, quite the reverse is true, he is in exactly the right place at the right time, he has so much to give exactly because he is different. He is loved for being different, would not it be boring if we were all the same? The child may also feel misunderstood by his compatriots in his planet of origin, as some find the new ways strange. If, for example, his planet of origin is a warlike tribe, they may initially not welcome teachings from the child about friendship and peace. So the child may be like the ambassador between two worlds and is performing very hard work. On the other hand, his planet of origin may be very friendly and supportive, or he may not visit it particularly often while in body on Earth. There are no absolutes here and I do not wish to ignite frantic Internet searches from desperate parents about planets in which inhabitant extraterrestrials do not eat their cereals and their body clock goes to sleep only after the dawn of their local sun! It is all about open-mindedness, about being willing to learn from the child …

There are many important spiritual reasons, for some inexplicable behaviors among children today, who are discovered in different ways, sometimes very highly so. A humbling example has been of a little girl in nursery school, whose parent was specifically concerned, as she kept talking in class during lessons. She was talking non-stop, while everyone else was trying to work. She said to her mother: "I can not help it, God makes my mouth talk." As the little girl only spoke in this way while working in class (but not during breaks or at home), we were all tempted initially to discard her phrase about God, as an excuse of her not being able to control her boredom in class. Wrong! It was so humbling and amazing at the same time, to see that the little girl is indeed a channel for God. God indeed asks her to speak in class, because she and her classmates are a soul group, which has been an aggressive soldier in past lives. Her life purpose is to carry messages to be heard by her peers and soul group. She is a Channel for Spirit. Her unstoppable speaking has to be done during class. This is the only time the little ones sit down calmly enough together to hear the words. It can not be done at breaks, as kids of this age run and play (though later, as they get older, she will be able to do more of her talking during breaks rather than in the classroom). It is painful for the little girl, as we all assume it is the wrong thing to speak in class. Yet, at this time it is the only way for her to do God's will. Even the most innovative specialists and teachers assume it is not OK to talk non-stop while working in class and may try all sorts of methods for what they perceive as 'hyperactivity'. All well-meaning, but the truth is something totally different and magnificent. Being a school teacher myself, I have wondered, would we adults, in all our concern for helping the child, care, in the slightest, to listen to what the child actually says? This very humbling experience taught me to open my heart and mind as much as possible in this wonderful work with children and to wonder "What would God say about this?", Rather than just what our human-made science says.

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