10 Date Ideas for Art Lovers

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If the woman or man you’re dating loves art, impress them by suggesting one of the following activities for your next date. It’s an opportunity to see them in an environment that brings them joy. Who knows – you may even learn a thing or two about art!

1. Visit the Local Public Art Gallery

Whether you’re looking at a masterpiece by Rembrandt, an Emily Carr, or the work of a local artist; art can be a natural conversation starter. To those not versed in art or painting, don’t worry about using the right language or terminology. If your date is an art lover they can teach you. If you want to save some money, check to see if the gallery has any free viewing periods.

2. Browse Privately Owned Art Galleries

Most cities have a number of art dealers who exhibit art for sale via their gallery. Some may specialize in showcasing and selling a specific type of art – such as sculptures, paintings, First Nations art – or specific artists. Check to see if they’re open to the public. If not, they may have upcoming events or exhibitions.

3. Tour Public Art Displays

Take a look around you – are there sculptures scattered throughout your city? If so, have a sculpture hunt and visit a handful of them. Many cities have a sculpture garden or park with a collection of pieces in one area. It’s a great opportunity to walk around and take some pictures of you next to various art pieces to document your date.

4. Take an Art Class

Spend an afternoon learning how to paint, sketch, or throw pottery. If classes aren’t your thing, get a book on painting or sketching and try to teach yourselves one rainy afternoon. Remember to sign and frame your masterpieces!

5. Finger Paint

Relive a time you probably loved as a kid. All you need is paper, paint and some rags to wipe your hands on. Get your hands in the paints and create!

6. Splatter Paint

Bring out your inner Jackson Pollack and try splatter painting. If there are no studios set-up for that sort of thing, you could improvise. Cover an area in the garage with tarps (floor, walls and ceiling); tape a big piece of paper or secure a stretched canvas on the wall; put on your old clothes or overalls, a hat and goggles; and start flinging some paint at the canvas. Put on any music that brings out your creative self.

7. Get a Caricature Sketch

In the summer time there is often a caricature artist or two set up in the tourist area of town. Sit down and let them do their thing.

8. Sketch the City

Get a pad of paper and pencil and set out into the city. Try your hand at sketching a boat at the pier, a coffee cup at the cafe, or the trees in the park. If your date is a talented sketcher, just watching them create can be awe-inspiring. At the very least you can play with an Etch-a-Sketch.

9. Local Art School Events

Are there any local art schools in your city? If so, they’ll often have at least one art exhibit during the year. It’s an opportunity to converse about the young talent in your city.

10. Build Rock Sculptures

If you live on a coast or shoreline, you may see a handful of large rocks balanced in a free-standing sculpture. To make your own, get a handful of smaller stones and start stacking them. To make it harder – try balancing some of them on their ends.

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