The school year is winding down, and summer is fast approaching. What are you going to do with it? If you are like many people in high school, you are thinking about looking for work. It can be confusing and kind of scary to venture out for your first summer job, but it is a rewarding experience that should not be delayed. Check out some of these tips to give your search direction.
Know Yourself.
Know what you are looking for and what is important to you.
• Do you want to make as much money as possible, no matter what job?
• Do you want to build your resume with something that compliments your career path?
• Do you want to have fun?
• Do you want to get away from your parents?
• Do you want full-time or part-time work?
Take the time to define your goal so you can focus your search.
Put together something to sell yourself.
• Many entry-level jobs simply require an application, but having a resume with a cover letter that you can hand out will set you apart from other high school applicants.
• Put together a short resume with your school experiences and accomplishments, as well as any volunteering you have done. It's good practice for the future, and may get you the job instead of your fellow student.
Know where to look.
There are a lot of options for summer jobs, both full and part-time. A few examples of areas to look include.
• Temp Services – They will put your qualifications and availability in their system and call you when they get a job that matches. Work may not be regular, but you often get to try out a number of different things.
• Clerical or administrative work – Any company with a mail room or special projects, real estate offices, banks, insurance companies; any of them are worth looking into.
• Retail – Large chains or smaller locally owned stores are a good place to look for flexibility in a schedule.
• Food service – Great for flexibility and good money. Food service can also be fun and enhance your people skills.
For the career path.
Consider trying to win a summer internship at a local company. Many are paid, some are not, but all are excellent experience and good on your future resume. You can stop at at your local companies and inquire about internships and look online.
Working over your summer break can be one of the best choices you can make as a high school student. Earning money to have in your pocket or pay for your responsibilities is a wonderful feeling, and getting started on your work experience now is a great way to get ready for life after school. Be smart about summer work by knowing what you want, what is important to you, and where to look.