Tips to Maintain MAC PC

Do you have a MAC PC? If yes, then this article is worth reading. Here you will find useful tips to maintain your MAC PC. You can also consult a computer repair services that offer Apple MAC Support to make your MAC PC perform at its best. The tips are as follows:

Check whether there is plenty of disk space on the boot drive or not. Your MAC uses some of your hard drive space as virtual memory when there is not enough actual memory available. It’s good to always keep 10% of your hard drive free for such activity. Remove Unwanted Language Packs as OS X contains hundreds of languages that you most likely won’t use saving some extra disk space.

Check dock for unwanted apps. Your dock should only contain your most used applications so take a look through to see if there is anything you can remove or uninstall. Choose suitable applications for files be sensible when choosing what applications open by default – think do you really need Photoshop to open just to view an image when preview will work fine? Right click on a file then select Get Info.

Check Software Build If you have an Intel MAC then check the build of the software is universal – it might be that the application is still running through Rosetta and that a universal update is available. Remove dock animation Navigate to System Preferences – Dock then un-tick Animate Opening Applications. Avoid animated desktops Navigate to System Preferences – Desktop & Screen Saver then un-tick Change picture.

Remove unused widgets. Each widget takes some memory and processor power even when you’re not using the dashboard so only enable the ones you use. Alternatively you can disable the dashboard. Check to see how much processing power and memory each widget uses. Some widgets are more intensive than others, if there is one that is particularly demanding see if there is one with similar functionality on the Apple website. To do this run Activity Monitor – Applications – Utilities -Activity Monitor.

Clear Cache. To speed up page loading Safari saves a copy of every page in its cache however if the cache gets too large it can actually slow down page loading so it’s the best way to empty it occasionally. To do so, click Safari – Empty Cache. You also need to clear History. Safari can remember every single site you have visited which can have a negative effect on its performance. You can empty it be selecting History – Clear History.

Also clear AutoFill. AutoFill is the data is saved in forms such as your username and password on websites. As with the cache and history the AutoFill can mount up over time. To empty select Safari > Preferences then select the AutoFill tab. From here you can go through the three AutoFill sections and clear out data that you no longer want stored.

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