Category: Shopping

Food Shopping for Improved Wellness

Walk around your local supermarket and notice where the food is displayed. Around the outer edge, you find fresh fruits and vegetables, fresh meat and dairy products. These food products are packaged and sold much as they were grown. As you look at each item, you can see what […]

Farmers Markets Can Be a Fun Shopping Experience

Every Saturday morning Austinites gather in two different places for one purpose: to buy fresh, locally grown produce and specially made treats. Shopping at the grocery store these days can be a joyless experience. Prices seem to change on a weekly basis. Customers seem humorless and determined as they […]

Know Your Man: Shopping

What he says: (while shopping) “I like that one better.” What he means: “Pick any freaking dress and let’s go home!” ~ Anon Men hate shopping. They hate hop-shopping even more. We take hours to decide on simple things and they lose their patience, get tired and bored. This […]

Undercover Shopping

Close your eyes for a minute and visualize a world where the bare necessities were more than just oversize grandma panties and boys in their younger years learning how to unhook a bra. Underwear should not only be recognized as the body's first line of defense against the cold […]

Shopping For Pet Products

Pet lovers and owners alike would want the best things for their furry ones. Whether it is a cat or dog, they would want to provide the most comfortable shelter, the appropriate food, nice accessories and so much more. This is the reason why more and more pet products […]

Shopping For Your Digital SLRs Camera

Sorting through the wide range of digital SLRs that are currently on the market can be a bit confusing. If you are not sure which options you really need and which options are best left to the pros, then you may end up buying a lot more camera than […]

My Shopping Genie: A Magical Way to More Money

The chances are that you won’t have come across My Shopping Genie in your efforts to make money online, and if you haven’t, then this is something that you’re going to want to sit up and pay attention to, because it may just change your whole approach to making […]