On-page optimization (website optimization) can be divided into two branches; factors that depend to the structure of website and factors that depend to content you write. Website Structure Factors: o Domain: Before you pick a domain name you should know your target audience, and what you intend to sell […]
How To Get Listed On Google And Other Search Engines In Record Time
One of the top problems webmasters face is getting into the search engines quick and ranking well. The reason is that they over complicate things and that even risked being delisted from the search engines because of these complicated, blackhat methods. The main component of good Search Engine Optimization […]
What to Look for in a Real Seearch Engine Optimization Consultant
As a SEO professional whose experience comes back to the year 2000 in optimizing Websites, I get this question in many different varieties. Sometimes it's presented within the context of a presentation I'm giving. Other times it's presented within stealth 'Pick your brain for free "conversation I may have […]