You’ve probably read or heard that visual appeal and good content is enough to attract visitors to your site. However, if you want to maximize the number of visitors to your site, you have to do more. You have to dance to the search engines’ music. This means you […]
What Are the Top 4 Search Engine Optimization Techniques of Today?
Today, with the over-whelming competitions among the web masters in competitiveness for customers to increase their sales and profit, finding ways to increase their optimize their websites is not really very difficult. There are whole lots of SEO (Search engine optimization) techniques which can be found over the internet […]
Search Engine Optimization Google Style
Incredibly just a decade ago, the big daddy of search called "Google" did not even exist, let alone have a multitude of people scrambling to make their websites search engine optimization Google friendly in order to capture a potential avalanche of new online business. Google now holds first place […]
Search Engine Optimization – The Top Ten Ranking Guide
Search engine optimization is all about achieving a top ten ranking on the major search engines. This is a fiercely-contended task and to stand a chance of succeeding you need an internet marketing agency or SEO Consultants that can implement an online marketing strategy that will deliver not only […]
How to Write Content That Is Google Hummingbird Friendly?
In September 2013, Google has introduced a new algorithm called "Hummingbird", which focuses on every single word in a query rather than just words. If someone is searching something by using a sentence, Google will take into account every word and come up with the most appropriate results. Initially, […]