Category: Health

Health Advantages of Vitamins and Minerals

Vitamins and minerals are essential for the proper functioning of our body. There are different types of minerals which help our body functions in various ways. A deficiency of the needed minerals cause harm to the function of our body. Vitamins and minerals are present in the food we […]

Health and Wellness 101

A vast difference exists between the words health and wellness. While most people consider these words to convey similar meanings, their definitions vary considerably. Health, according to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, is defined as, "the condition of being sound in body, mind, or spirit; especially freedom from physical disease or […]

Health Care Through A Health Magazine

How To Take Care Of Health With Health Magazine. If you love yourself then you should keep watch on your health and fitness. You need to understand about your nutrition, fitness, health and food regularly. Health is important for both men and women. Everyone should take of their health […]

Health and Nutrition

What are nutrients? Every molecule in the body is created by Nutrients & there are more than 45 nutrients. These nutrients build molecules, cells, and tissues of the body.We get energy from carbohydrates, proteins, and fats that we eat. These are called macronutrients. These macro nutrients are broken down […]

Fitness First

Whatever your reasons you are to be commended, but how exactly does one go about getting into shape. Well here are a few suggestions to improve your fitness health and lifestyle. With each suggestion there are pros and cons, some will work for some people and some will not, […]

Tips for Personal Health and Hygiene

Version 1.0 DISCLAIMER: The information presented in this guide may be suitable to supplement your doctor-prescribed daily routines. Please consult your doctor / physician first to get their advice if this guide is suitable for you to follow. HERE ARE SOME HEALTHY TIPS FOR YOUR DAILY LIFE PREFACE: The […]

6 Health Benefits of Meditation

For hundreds of years, meditation has been used around the world as an effective way to deal with a lot of psychological issues and achieve relaxation. During the olden times, the Himalayan monks used meditation and discovered loads of benefits that it offers. Nowadays, more and more people are […]

Redefining Health in the 21st Century

What we can’t define, we can’t find; for our definition determines our destination. One of humanity’s greatest debacle is the allegiance to history as a standard for the present and the future. Humanity is so much indebted to old thoughts to the point where, thinking something new seems like […]

Some Of The Most Important Global Health Products

Some of the important health products that are needed globally include the following Vaccinations. Vaccinations are vital especially for children. Some of the diseases children are immunized against include hepatitis A, Meningococcal disease and chicken pox. Vaccines are vital global health products that need to be readily available in […]