Benefits Of Mindfulness Training For Fitness Peak Performance

You ever heard of muscle and fitness gurus? They for the most part today are coming to believe in mindfulness and mental health leading the way. It’s the benefits of mindfulness meditation.

You may be like many who say, I just don’t have time in my life to master mindfulness training. My gosh, “meditation” techniques!

You may think it literally takes HOURS, and Weeks and months and YEARS to master this skill!

Not any longer!

Now, I got to be honest with you… that both surprised me… but also ticked me off.

In some long interviews, I discovered through some muscle and fitness gurus found ONE practice that just about every single one of these top athletes shared.

It makes it stupid easy.

Because the ego- based mind is insanely difficult to intentionally re-program!

Doubting Thomas aspect in us all that the Course in Miracles helps us to undo the ego– that fearful side to us.

The Course in Miracles teaches that, “The ego may see some good, but never only good.”

One guy I spoke to at my local gym has one of the most popular fitness-oriented ideas and mindsets around.

What’s this ONE foundational practice that even fuels the world’s TOP performing muscle and fitness athletes?

It makes sense, doesn’t it?

Much of muscle and fitness peak performance is “mental,”?

One pro recently wrote a few things he learned after interviewing many other muscle and fitness performers… athletes who DOMINATE their sport.

A brand new technology in mindfulness and mental health muscle and fitness is REVOLUTIONIZING the connection between fitness and mindfulness.

In a previous discussion involving details on being a better leader with a richer life through yoga and mindfulness meditation techniques, it was discovered how many people rich peak performance.

It’s called it a meta-skill that’s a “force multiplier” for every other skill you might master.

It’s revolutionized my own workouts!

Others as well are manifesting success like I never thought possible.

You’ve GOT to look deeper into mindfulness training and/or other mind, body, spirit techniques, if you do nothing else for muscle and fitness in this coming year, at least do THIS.

Seriously, it’ll help take your performance to the next level.

Remember, if you’ve spent ANY money at all on your fitness: gym memberships, trainers, fitness programs, supplements, equipment, competitions, etc., meditation multiplies the effectiveness of every single one of them.

I’ve NEVER experienced gains like this… because in my routine, a simple pair of headphones, and a few minutes, and it’s taken my performance to a whole new level.

I’m finding it gives us more self-confidence in reaching within for our full potential.

(As always be sure to investigate and research the web on how many may come to improve life in an instant by your power of choice.)

To peak performance!

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