Productivity Engineering

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Review: Productivity Engineering-
A hypnosis program to help you improve your performance at work.

"Buy a hypnosis CD program? Will that really help me get more work done? Can it improve my work performance?"

I know, this is a little off the beat path when compared to the usual courses and services I review. So first, to make real sense of this, let me tell you why I decided to go through and review this program.

I would like to be more productive, consistently

As someone who works from a home office, I am very aware of a huge variation in how productive I am. Some days and weeks I am extremely productive. My work performance is excellent. At the end of each day I'll sit back and wonder how I managed to get so much done.

But for each day or week that I am wild productive, there are other days and weeks when it feels like I'm trying to run through treacle. I find it almost impossible to fight my way through my work. When I feel like that, it's frustrating, depressing and not very profitable!

I was the same when employed by various companies over the years. But working for myself, I find the issue a little more urgent – because the less work I get done, the less money I make.

I'm not a tape and CD junky

No, I do not buy self-improvement or motivational programs. Not that I'm against them in principle. I would place myself in the 'medium-cynic' range. That is to say, I am open to self-improvement and the various ways to achieve it.

But yes, before I'll believe in anything, I do take the stance of "Well, you'd better demonstrate to me that this is genuine, and not some granola-driven fantasy or rip-off."

Why I took this hypnosis program

The first reason is that I was invited to try it. The second reason is that I am a firm believer in the power of one's subconscious mind. I always have been. I know how my own subconscious can work for me or against me very strongly. It can help me and hinder me.

So I have always been open to the whole concept of hypnosis.
That said, if a field out there is known for being filled with charlatans and idiots, it's probably hypnosis. And that's particularly true of hypnosis tapes and CDs. The whole hypnosis industry is completely unregulated and open to abuse.

So why did I decide to go along with this one?

When I was invited to look at this program, and before I asked for a review copy of the program, I did some homework. I did some digging on the site. I spoke with someone at the company. In other words, I was not going to do a thing except I could get past my internal, 'medium-cynic' filter.

To cut a long story short, I felt comfortable enough to spend the time doing the program. I will not go into all the details of what persuaded me about the company. You'll find all that on their web site, if you want to take that step. Suffice it to say, the company and its practitioners break me as genuine. And I am very impressed by Neil Fiore, the person behind this program and, reassuringly, a Ph.D. in the mental health field.

One thing is for sure … this is not about anyone trying to 'hypnotize' you into a state of being a peak performer, like programming a robot or brainwashing you. As with any genuine approach to hypnosis, it's not about that … it's about helping you access the resources and strengths you already possess, locked up in your subconscious mind.
Has the program worked for me?

It depends on one's expectations. But the honest answer would be yes. I have been very impressed. The program does not come with wild promises and it takes time. There are 4 separate CDs, with hours of sessions with Neil Fiore. And yet he nor the company promises that a single session, or even going through the program just once will turn you into a super-performer. Hypnosis is not like that, and I appreciate the fact that they do not try to pretend otherwise.

From the day I started I have been in one of my super-productive modes. Coincidence? Would I have been working well at that time anyway? Who knows. But for sure, I think the power of suggestion had a part to play. I have the capacity to be a good performer anyway. I already know that. And I think at the start of the program, just sitting down to listen was enough to nudge me into a state of performance that comes naturally to me anyway.

But it has been over two weeks now. As the program progresses, Fiore works to help you access positive attributes within your unconscious mind, and consciously access them when you need them. A bit like how an athlete spends a few moments to get into the 'zone' before competitiveness. Even if she or he is having an awkward horrible day.

With these tools I think I am managing to hold onto my high-producer mode much more consistently. And now that I have these tools to work with, and better access to the good stuff that swims around in my subconscious, I think if I hit a bad patch again, I will be able to pull myself out of it quite quickly and kindly.

It's working for me … but will it work for other writers and copywriters?

The fact that this program is working well for me does not necessarily mean it will work for every other copywriter and writer. So I asked Neil Fiore what he thought – whether he felt the program had a lot to offer writers in particular.

Here's his answer:

– Yes, I believe my Productivity Engineering program is very well suited to the needs of writers and copywriters.

Most writers put too much pressure on their conscious, linear mind to solve problems, find a coherent theme, and break through blocks. Typical solutions involve adding more time, more struggle, and more self-criticism that result in burnout, resistance, and a lower sense of confidence.

1) By learning to access the ability of your subconscious mind, you by-pass the conscious mind's "default" and out-dated copying strategy and the ego's counterproductive attempts at self-protection.

My program is geared to teach you how to connect with your subconscious / Right Brain resources at will, thereby lessening the burden on the conscious mind and ego. That means that you can expect those break-through moments of epiphany and "ah-ha" whenever your conscious mind is stuck. You will learn to tune in to the right frequency of "dreaming mind" even while awake.

2) By using these CDs on a regular basis, you sharpen your ability to move quickly from "not-knowing" to knowing – the essence of creativity. The ever-authorive writer's muse becomes an ally that you can call upon with a growing confidence that your muse will bring you an answer. Common expression such as "I'm going to sleep on it.", "It will come to me.", And "This is going to be interesting." will become triggers for ignoring the creative problem-solving processes of your subconscious genius.

3) Exercises for Mental Toughness and Installation Productivity Habits will assist those who work at home in identifying the distractions that take them away from their top priority projects and will strengthen their ability to start sooner and work more efficiently. "
Neil Fiore, PhD

Should you try this program?

If you work for yourself, or are employed in an environment where you need to be self-motivated for much of the time, I suggest you give it a try. It could help you a great deal.
(As I mentioned, you'll find the details on their site. But I will say one thing … each program comes with a one-year guarantee. send it back and they'll refund your money.)

If, like me, you are someone who knows you struggle with ups and downs in how well you work and produce, I think it is definitely worth a try.

Right now I'm looking at my watch. It has taken me just under an hour to write this review. During a bad patch, it would have taken me a day, a day of fussing, procrastinating, rewriting.

Now think of that in terms of using your time on writing work that is paid for. Imagine getting that job done in a fraction of the time, for the same fee.

The company that provides the program is The Hypnosis Network.

You can find out more about the Productivity Engineering hypnosis program here.

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