The Ultimate Key to Success in Search Engine Optimization

Most of us seem to be under the impression that the only key to success in search engine optimization is building tons of inbound links. And there is no denying that inbound links do play a very important role in determining how well your pages extremely rank. In fact, most search-engines will not index a page that does not have a link from a page they have already indexed.

But still, the number of inbound links is by no means the only determinant of how you end up being ranked nowdays. There was a time when the search engines would rank websites on account of inbound links that they had alone, but that time seems to have long gone. Modern search engines are much more sophisticated. The Google you have today is fundamentally different from the Google you had five years ago. In fact, the only similarity between them is their name. The algorithms have since been completely changed, and you soon realize that search-engine optimization tricks you employed just a few years ago do not work any more.

So, if we claim that the number of inbound links you manage to accumulate for your website is not the only determinant of search engine optimization success, what else do we have in mind, as the ultimate key to SEO success?

Well, in order to come a position where you can appreciate this ultimate key to success in SEO, you would need to be conversant with the objectives of the search-engines. This is where you come to learn that most search-engines are money-making enterprises, aimed at making loads of cash for their developers. It is also where you come to realize that most of the money that the search engines stand to make is likely to come from search advertising. It is also where you go further to appreciate the fact that the amount of money that a search-engine stands to make would depend on the number of people who make use of it. This would lead to the situation where we appreciate the fact that a search engine will do everything in its power to get more people to use it? And what can a search engine do to make more people use it? Well, the thing that a search-engine can do to make more people do it is give them more useful results. And in order to make all this come true, the search engine finds itself having to rank pages that are truly useful highest. So the dynamic changes: it is not the pages with the highest number of inbound links that get highest ranked any more, but rather the pages with the most useful content.

So, there you have it: the key to success in search engine optimization is developing useful content. Previously, people used to be advised to spend five times as much time in link building as they spend on content creation. Nowadays, you will achieve more success if you can devote as much time into link building as you spend on content creation. Remember, if your website happens to be only rich in links and poor in useful content, the people will not stay in it for long (even if it gets well ranked). And remember, modern search-engines, through software cookies, are able to monitor how long people stay in the websites they rank. Naturally, if people are not staying on your website for long enough (due to their poor content), the search engines come to the conclusion that those are uninteresting pages. What they do next is swiftly burry them- never to be seen again!

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