How to Write Blogs to Improve SEO

Writing content for a website can often feel like a bit of a chore but it is an absolute necessity to ensure that your website promotes your company in the correct manner. From a search engine optimization point of view though, there are other elements that need to be addressed when creating and posting blogs to improve your SEO. Below are a few tips on creating the best possible blogs to improve your Search Engine Optimization.

Compelling Title

The blog titles must be smart, relevant and descriptive as well as making sure that one of the keyword phrases appears in the title. Having a non descriptive title that a user would never search for and the search engines would not understand is pointless so keyword rich titles will add relevancy.

Relevant Meta Description

Google will only pick up on the first part of a meta description so make sure that the meta description is less than 160 characters. The meta description has to describe what the blog is about in 1 or 2 sentences while making sure that there are some of the main keywords in the description.

Categories around the Main Keywords

In order to help the user locate the blog that will give them the correct information, categories need to be set up on the blog modules that are related to the blogs. Having between 5-8 categories should be enough and each of these categories should be one of your keyword phrases.

Including Keyword Phrases

Making the blogs keyword rich is the main focus of the blog writing as the purpose of the blogs is to add content and relevance to the site. Each blog should focus on one product, service or aspect of your company and should focus on a maximum of 3 keywords so that Google understands what the post is about. Each of the keywords should be mentioned around three times through the post and they should also be bolded.

Use H2 Header Tags

Header tags should be used at least once in the blog as it helps add relevancy to the blog and back up the H1 Header Tag that will be the title of the blog. Introducing headers through the post helps to break down the blog into more manageable paragraphs that will keep users interested in the content. If you need to further break down a sub topic under your H2 Header Tag then you can use H3 Tags.

Linking Related Posts & Pages

Internal linking in the site is one of the main aims of posting the blogs as it helps to generate more authority in many of the main pages on the site that you want to rank for. Search engines will crawl the blog posts and will follow the links that are in the blogs. The more times the search engines can go to these main pages the more authority Google will deem this page. Linking to external sites is not recommended as it means that it will leak page rank to other websites and will not be beneficial for your site.

Copy and Pasting the Blogs

Blogs that have been written in Microsoft Word and then pasted into the blog module will often be affected by formatting issues. We recommend copying and pasting the content into the Notepad software before pasting it into the blog module as it will remove all other formatting that may bring errors.

Posting the Blogs

Many of the blog modules available will have spell check and grammar functions available in the editor program but it is always worth reading through the content thoroughly before posting. At the end of the day, the blog content is going to appear on your site so making sure the copy is correct will reflect on the brand as a whole.

Bullet Point Lists

Creating lists within the blogs will help draw the users eye to the main points of the blog, as well as help add more keywords to help the search engine optimization. Highlighting benefits from the blog can further help push the product or service you are promoting in the blog.

Implementing these aspects into your SEO blog writing and posting will definitely help improve your search engine optimization but it can be time consuming and a strain on resources. This is where SEO Junkies years of blog, article and press release writing can help your company as our years of experience and resources can relate this burden. Check out for more information on how we can drastically improve your search ranking results.

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