Home Schooling From the Students Perspective

When young people are told that they are going to be home schooled you get a mixed bag of reactions. Some will be extremely angry at being taken away from their school and friends. They will be upset that roadmap to college will change drastically and will affect the college they gain entrance to.

Then others will be extremely happy. These are the groups that were terrorized by bullies in public schools. These groups had few friends and were the brunt of most jokes at school. This group of students hates school and is usually very depressed all the time.

No matter which group of students you came from, home schooling really is good for all. Very quickly students learn some of the major differences:

  1. Individual attention: No more sleeping through math class, or English. Now your mother is there to make sure you are awake and doing the assignment. This is the first and biggest change for most students changing from public to home schooling. The one on one teaching they get is totally alien to them. The fact the new teacher is their parent makes it harder to get used to. That is why it is so important for parents to research and find their teaching style before they start. They must separate themselves from being parents and become teachers.

  2. Same teacher for all subjects: Students do not get a break from their teacher like in public school. The parent is the teacher in every class they take.

  3. Breaks: The teacher (parent) must find what works best for their situation. It is usually a work in progress. Home schooling has a great advantage over public schools because it is so flexible. If something comes up and you need to miss a class for a dentist appointment it is easily rescheduled.

  4. More free time: If students work hard at their home schooling they find that they have much more free time on their hands. In most cases parents reward the student when they work hard and finish work or tests early. This incentive works great with home schooled kids. They love the free time home schooling offers them.

The list goes on and on. Suffice it to say that your child hood education will be better for you if you are home schooled. Parents need to take a good long look at their child’s education and seriously consider home schooling as an option.

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