Health Insurance – Alcohol

The consumption of alcohol in the form of recreational alcoholic drinks is something that many people do not think about in connection with their health insurance applications or premiums but it is definitely a factor. The amount of alcohol a person consumes on a regular basis affects the rate of their health insurance premiums as well as the limits and exclusions to the policy. It is important, however, to be honest when filling out the insurance application for if untruths are found, the policy will likely be cancelled immediately and the reasoning cited as to prevent or severely hamper the procuring of insurance from somewhere else in the future.

Social drinking of alcohol is classified as a drink or two on social occasions now and again, with no real regularity. This type of drinking of alcohol does not have any impact on the insurance application, the policy limits or premium costs. Social drinkers do not have any need to worry about their insurance policies being affected by their alcohol consumption. Binge drinking that takes place periodically where a person drinks a lot of alcohol in a short period of time is another matter altogether. Binge drinking of alcohol is extremely dangerous and potentially life threatening to the body in the form of alcohol poisoning.

Health insurance companies do not like to insure binge drinkers or alcoholics who drink daily because those people are huge risks for the company to take on in that there will surely be dangerous repercussions to the body that result in expensive medical intervention needs. From alcohol poisoning to liver problems and all kinds of physical and mental issues, the abuse of alcohol is a lose-lose situation all the way around for a insurance company to consider. As a result, most people who abuse alcohol cannot get quality insurance coverage.

Alcohol is considered to be a drug in many ways due to the negative effects it has on the body when not carefully controlled. It is ranked with smoking when it comes to health insurance applications so both will get a person a higher premium, certain policy limits or even denied health insurance coverage outright. Health insurance companies are not in the business of taking high risks with their money. Alcohol in excess and good health practices do not go together. Insurance companies do not insure people they feel are at risk for medical care problems that result from excessive alcohol consumption.

If you need assistance in this regard or need help looking for several coverages to cover this, please visit our website at and leave your contact information so we can respond to your request.

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