Increase Your Traffic by Attracting More Visitors

Many people are still questioning how to promote their website so that they can get good traffic. Moreover, interestingly, each has its own requirements for the number of unique visits, for example, some believe that 40 visitors a day is progress, others need at least 200, and the third and 1000 seem small. However, few of them think that the more attention you have got to visitors today, the more they will come to you tomorrow. In any case, below I gave some tips on how to keep visitors on your useful site.

First of all, imagine yourself in the visitor’s place. If this is difficult for you, ask your friend (friend) to visit the website and watch every movement and question. Does he like being here? Is it easy for him to find the information he needs? Will he ever return to your website without your request? Carrying out such tests and eliminating defects (in terms of visitors) you will achieve more success than uselessly occupying top positions in the search engine.

And now about how, after all, are people interested in visiting your website? Here are a few tips (they are a bit off-track, as you might expect):

1. Quality content.

Random visitors on the site, as a rule, not much. Most often you come to those who are purposefully looking for a product, service or information on an issue of interest. The content of your site should reflect the requirements of the visitor. Therefore, it’s better to write content for them than to search for the mythical optimal keyword density.

If you offer a service or a product, the description should be made clear so that in a short period of time you can assess the solidity of the firm, its competence in the matter of interest, the quality of the product, guarantees and so on. Content should keep the visitor’s attention and encourage you to contact the company.

Content is the king, as Google employees say.

And they are right. Even if you have an entertaining website or blog, nothing can attract the attention of the user (design, number of external links or presence of keywords in the title), as content, interesting or useful.

2. Competent navigation.

The visitor has come to a page of your site, usually this is the main page. Most often, when visitors are interested, they want to look through more pages, finding additional interesting (or useful) information (content). In the case where navigation on the site is very simple, they happily “leaf through” your site, already intuitively understanding (or remembering) where what sections are located.

Who knows the social network In contact with, he certainly noticed how quickly you can move from section to section, from one friend to another and so on, no longer hesitating about where to click and where to find the information you need. Remember another site, for example, many people use mail from Yandex or Google Mail. Navigation and mail management is thought out, practically, to the smallest detail. The great success of these postal workers is in the convenience of their use (usability). What prevents you from thinking through the navigation on the site in such a way that you yourself can work with it quickly and pleasantly?

Inconvenient navigation on the site repels and if it, moreover, is not supported by quality content, then do not expect that visitors will long stay on your site or recommend it to someone of their friends.

3. Usability.

In this case, I mean the totality of those parameters that allow using the resource as efficiently as possible. For example, the presence of a large number of banners on the site, pop-ups or oddballs interferes with the interaction of the user with the resource. The same goes for unreadable text, color solutions, convenience of placing blocks and so on. About usability written many articles, they can be found, for example, in Google, be sure to read.

If you provide services, then the visitor should not be distracted from what is offered on the site. You want to detain a client, not lose it?! Therefore, do everything in your power to ensure greater usability of the site, which begins with the design development and ends with the speed of loading the pages.

Remember the sites that you visit most often. Remembered? And now think about why you come back to them again and again? What can you identify from them useful and implement in your project? These three “whales” will help you guaranteed for 1-3 months to significantly increase attendance without the use of a special SEO Expert.

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