How to Write Content That Is Google Hummingbird Friendly?

In September 2013, Google has introduced a new algorithm called "Hummingbird", which focuses on every single word in a query rather than just words. If someone is searching something by using a sentence, Google will take into account every word and come up with the most appropriate results. Initially, Google used to focus on words rather than sentences but with the Google Hummingbird change, the focus is shifted to the entire query.

Google Hummingbird gives an ideal situation to the content writers as they do not have to stuff inappropriate keywords in their content. Instead of short-tail keywords, long-tail keywords could be used that represent a complete question. Some of the important tips that one should keep in mind while writing content based upon Google Hummingbird algorithm are:

  1. Being a content creator, one should focus on writing content that has a longer shelf life. This is the type of content that is evergreen and has the ability to attract a wider audience. The beauty of an evergreen content is that people search it quite often and its ranking strengnthens on Google. In this way, Google crawls the content on a regular basis because of its popular content and it has better opportunities to remain in the top search results.
  1. Focus on content that is educational or which has the ability to teach the readers something new. The articles solving the questions by answering questions like "How to …" are more popular among the readers. It gains their attention instantly because they know it will help them to learn something relatively new and important. You should focus on writing "How to …" content, which is related to your industry or business. For example, if you are in a real estate business, you can talk about "How to stage properties?" Egypt "How to buy your first home?" etc.
  1. Google Hummingbird gives you a chance to post relevant content on your website. Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) page allows you to put a lot of content which is educational and which could answer questions that are in the minds of your target audience. You can easily use long-tail keywords in the FAQ section and make it more Hummingbird friendly.
  1. Talking about stuffs that has gone viral occasionally is also a way of writing Google Hummingbird friendly content. Although, Google does not get affected by social / viral content at the moment but it will start focusing on them soon, which would definitely impact on the Google rankings of your content.
  1. Google recently emphasized the importance of in-depth articles. According to Google, in-depth articles about a certain topic will be valued more as compared to the articles that have been written superbly.

If you want your Search engine optimization strategies to work, you need to keep pace with the changes introduced by Google. Focus on following the tips explained in the article and you would be able to see positive results but make sure that you are using high-quality and original content.

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