Eminem – Short Biography

The story of Eminem is similar to that of his songs, it needs a little censoring. Some may not be appropriate for those viewed as too young, but here I feel it’s important to look at why his music, and consequently Eminem himself, appears so angry. Everywhere you look in his life from his hard child hood with an unstable cruel mother, to his well-publicized and rocky relationship with wife Kim, you see that Eminem raps about what he knows. His life is the subject of his music and he makes no excuses. But a hard upbringing only propelled him into superstardom as you can read in magazines like The Source and XXL. Eminem took his humble beginnings and built a career.

Eminem (Marshall Bruce Mathers) was born on October 17, 1972, in Kansas City, Missouri where he lived for twelve years until he moved to Detroit. He never had much of a chance to make friends moving every other month because his mother continued to get evicted for the lack of pay. Eminem went to school up to the 9th grade where he failed three times before dropping out. He then continued to strive for that record deal to make him famous. While trying to achieve his goal he little Haile Jade Scott was born on December 25, 1995 with long time girlfriend Kim Scott. (Eminem homepage) Eminem continued to rap after the birth of his daughter entering into 97 Rap Olympics in Las Angeles that produced 1,500 to the 1st place winner. Eminem furiously came in 2nd desperately needing the money not knowing that a few producers had seen him from Interscope. Finally he had the opportunity to show what he is made of with Dr. Dre, Dr. Dre was so impressed after hearing Eminem free styling on a Los Angeles radio station that he put out a manhunt for the Michigan rhymer. (Eminem homepage) a famous rap producer that wanted to open the doors for Eminem. The two instantly hit it off, recording four songs in the there first six hours of working – three that made it to his first LP. (Eminem Bio.) Now officially making it, Marshall and Dre set to make his second LP. The album became the Marshall Mathers LP and won 3 Grammies and was the first rap album ever to be nominated ‘Album of the Year’, selling more than 8 million records in the United States alone. (Eminem Bio.) Eminem continues to succeed with the his partners who started his career for him although he continues to face many difficult times between the media, his mother and the long conflicting relationship between him and his girlfriend. After they had broken up they had obviously still talked, either about there relationship of for the sake of their daughter Hailie who means more to Eminem then anyone in the world at this point of his life. I wanted to be a family to Kim and Hailie and raise my daughter the right way and not cut on her like my father did to me. My family is all I have ever fought for and all I’ve ever tried to protect. The only thing I’m scared of is being taken away from my little girl. (Chuck Weiner) Eminem was also scared to raise a family and wasn’t sure if he would have sufficient funds or know how too. When my daughter was born I was so scared I wouldn’t be able to raise her and support her, as a father should. Her first two Christmases we had nothing, but this last Christmas, when she turned three she had so many f*ckin’ presents under the tree, she kept opening them saying, ‘this one’s for me too?’ My daughter wasn’t born with a silver spoon in her mouth. But she’s got one now! (Chuck Weiner) Eminem can’t help but to spoil his little girl being that he feels it was degrading that way his mother treated him. If my mother is f*ckin’ cruel enough, knowing she didn’t help me get where I’m at, try to take food out of my mouth and out of my daughter’s mouth, try to take me for everything that I have, then I’m not holding back on this album. She’s always been out to get me, and now she knows I have money so she won’t leave be alone. I know that’s not a nice thing to say about your mother, but unfortunately it’s true. (Chuck Weiner) Eminem has so much hate toward his mother that has built up in all the recent years in his life that he will do anything to keep Hailie happy and keep a healthy relationship between the two of them. His mom on the other he can’t seem to forgive because of all of the grief and trouble that she has put him threw.

Eminem has psychologically turned 360 degrees throughout his life. From the fighting and confusion with his mother, never meeting his father to being one the biggest success stories in rap history. The best example is an experiment of Eminems anger management, after he had started to rise he would get opinions from people saying “Your white, why are you rapping” & “Go play Rock and Role” and he said that drove him angrier and angrier and he emphasized it throughout his lyrics. Eminem was probably born as a kid with no chemical imbalances, but after his mother put him threw so much hell after he has grown up he may have a chemical imbalance and not be able to control some of his emotions that he feels when people disrespect him. When he is presented on T.V. he looks as if he is always sad of something is always bothering him that he can’t be proud of his achievements of happy to be where he is and it’s got everything to do with his childhood and recent terrible interactions he’s had with friends, family and rivals.

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