Joomla – Content Management System

Joomla Content Management System (CMS) is one of the most popular in the web development, where the companies can save a lot of money in developing their web presence or portals to offer various services. Joomla extensions are helping various modules to implement and achieve the required functionality, thanks to wide user and developer base. Joomla implementation is very user-friendly and more than than that it Open source application, you can customize it as required and distribute, any number of times, without any licensing fee. Today, Joomla is being used all over the world to develop most-effective websites. Most of the Joomla Extensions are free or available with very nominal fee, most of them offer trial version. Joomla's extensive documentation, helps any novice to download and install the application on the web servers, it needs very little technical know-how.

Joomla is not only user-friendly to the developers, it is also excellent platform to integrate any kind of design, and most importantly, it is SEO-friendly. If you would like to implement Joomla for your web development requirements, you can easily approach any Website Designing company, and start without any hesitation. Most of the web development companies are realizing the value and flexibility of the Joomla and offering it as their regular service.

Joomla and it's extensible extensions library helps the developers to build many applications, to list some of them: simple websites, corporates portals, eCommerce websites, online Catalog, eZines, Travel & Hotel Bookings, wedding websites, community ports, etc., etc. , the list is end-less.

Joomla's easy to use text editor makes it pretty easy to add pages (they call it articles), to the website. It is as simple as working in MsWord. You can easily integrate text, tables, graphs and flash elements, etc., More over most of the development companies also train the clients, so your future updates will be pretty easy, and you need to wait for the web developer to respond, or shell out large amounts.

Are you ready for Joomla

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